Monday 24 March 2014

Journey from Imperial Gardens

The intention was to draw route from the Imperial Gardens to Francis Close Hall Campus, I only managed to make it as far as the promenade. My first attempts were very close up views, they didn't give much sense of scale or space and would be useless for illustrating any kind of journey. I had a few more attempts at drawing the gardens until I was happy that I was capturing a broad enough view of the space and then continued this toward the Promenade.In doing so I tried a new technique of drawing in light grey pen before black, this gave me a better control over tone and makes early mistakes less noticeable next to the corrected black pen lines, although it's probably not very useful for drawing very quick, as when drawing moving figures. The main problem I can see with these is the lack of any figures in context, I attempted a few but at that scale and with all the pen lines they promptly got lost and are hard to make out even when you know where they are, I could try using a different colour next time as even a simple stick figure shape could help to show the scale.

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