Friday 25 October 2013


 I attended a story telling event as part of another module and before and after the storyteller was on on there was a band playing music to and old documentary and a stop motion animation. I took the chance to get some more moving figure drawing practice. My speed was greatly improved by switching to pen and I'm beginning to more easily capture poses, even if my attempts at faces are still fairly hit and miss.
Next step is to dig out my old brush pens and have another go and moving figures.

Moving Figure Continued

Another good session of drawing a musician in the studio, this time a violinist. I did a number of quick pieces in my sketchbook and some larger, more considered drawings at an easel. I am far more pleased with the larger drawings, I'm still very much still finding my feet with the quick drawings of moving figures.
 Bottom half off this image didn't scan correctly, will with fixed one soon update soon.

 These back and side views turned out well but I took far too long on them, I need to concentrate more on speed. The ones below were done with less emphasis on neatness or accuracy and I think have captured the poses and movement better than the slower drawings.


 To start there was a refresher on portrait drawing, this was accomplished in charcoal. The next step was to draw out of the studio, I spent two sessions of a couple of hours each drawing customers in Nero.

First attempt, I find getting into drawing outside difficult, as this first attempt suggests, but I think I got better after a while.

 Above: There was a man who was mostly obscured by a lamp, unable to capture anything of him above his nose I just combined the two and used the leaf pattern on the lamp for an eye.
I seemed to do far fewer drawing during the second session, I need to speed my drawing up; I plan on doing at least one more session at Nero soon and may switch to pen, hopefully cutting out the time I spend correcting mistakes.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Ashmolean Museum Drawings

A number of drawing done at the Ashmolean museum in Oxford. I drew people looking at the exhibits and then drew the things they were probably looking at. It was a great exercise for me as I was forced to draw quickly to capture the figure and also draw from exhibits that I otherwise might not have been interested in enough to look at.

I am pleased with these sketches and while I'll continue to  do this whenever I am at a museum I don't feel the need to revisit this anytime soon; it's probably best to go back to drawing people walking and engaged in activities. I do need to start putting figures in context, I frequently forget and the last image here is far better just for drawing the display case and floor.

Monday 7 October 2013

Drawings of musician Laura Morris in the Chapel.

Moving Figure Drawing

Started off drawing from animations to, difficult until I started to get into it. Liked the fencing animations a lot and will probably use them for something in the future
 Drawing from people walking around outside wast the hardest part. I didn't do too well and will have to come back to it again soon.

Next step for this is to study more walk animations and the knee before doing more documentary drawings.